In collaboration with several other groups from the Barcelona area we have published the article ‘Rett-like severe encephalopathy caused by a de novo GRIN2B mutation is attenuated by D-serine dietary supplement‘ in the prestigious journal Biological Psychiatry. In this article we show that hypofunctional NMDARs can contribute to Rett-like encephalopathy, and that their potentiation by D-serine treatment may underlie the associated clinical improvement.
HEY!! We published in Nature Communications!!
Our paper entitled ‘Evolution of complexity in the zebrafish synapse proteome’ has just been released in the web of Nature Communications. Read.
Just released the review about neurological conditions caused by genes expressed at the pre-synaptic boutton.
We have recently published the article ‘Synapse Proteomes and Disease: The MASC Paradigm‘ as part of the book ‘Neuronal and Synaptic Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability’ (Academic Press, 2016).
First meeting of the SynCogDis Network
The first meeting of the SynCogDis research network, coordinated by our group, will take place in Copenhagen the 3rd and 4th of July in the context of the FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Society) meeting.
Prof. Hannah Monyer Lecture
Hannah Monyer, from Heidelberg University (Germany), will close the first season of the ‘Neuronal Signaling and Synapses’ seminar series (2015-16).
Prof. Monyer will give her lecture on the 1st of March at 16.00 hours at the Aula Magna of the UB Medicine Faculty.
SynCogDis Network website launched
The new website for the ‘Synaptic role in cognitive disabilities’ network was launched on November 2015.
‘Connecting the growing brain’ workshop to take place 26th and 27th of November
On the 26 and 27 of November the Workshop ‘Connecting the growing brain’ focused on understanding neuropaediatric diseases through dysfunction of synaptic communication.
Our work has received the 1000th citation as reported by Google Scholar.
Together with four other groups from our research institute we have been awarded a large collaborative grant to investigate how cancer stem cells scape chemotherapy treatment. This project will also work towards the development of new tools to efficiently eliminate these cells. The Spanish national institute for health research (Instituto Carlos III) has awarded this project, which is led by Dr. R. Mangues.